
司法部夏伯特学院行政部门很高兴地宣布一项合作 partnership between “大学 and the Alameda County Sheriff's Office (ACSO) 区域训练中心(RTC). This partnership will benefit recruits, ADMJ students, 支持警务工作的持续改进——这是我们拥护并承诺的 为了继续推进警务工作,保护警员,服务我们的社区.

法律及司法标志                                                           ACSO Logo


参加并成功完成警察常规基础课程的学员 阿拉米达伯爵警长办公室的学院将获得29个学分 查伯特学院. The course shown on their “大学 transcript is ADMJ 9997 执法学院. If the student-recruit would like to earn a state-certified, 查伯特学院的执法成就证书,他们需要完成 an additional one-unit course, ADMJ 9907 Physical Fitness for Law Enforcement.  

“大学 Certificate of Achievement in Law Enforcement (30 units)
ADMJ 9997执法学院(29个单位)
ADMJ 9907 Physical Fitness for Law Enforcement (1 unit)

有兴趣的参与者必须首先与阿拉米达县警长办公室联系. There are two ways to potentially attend the Regular Basic Police Academy (Chabot College course ADMJ 9997 执法学院):

  1.  成为ACSO副警长. 你将在ACSO的指导下进入学院学习,直到你成功完成学业 of 申请/招聘过程, as well as 在参加会议的同时获得报酬.  
    1. Start the 申请过程 to becoming a deputy: 
      1. 联系ASCO的招聘人员 JoinACSO网站 
        -- AND/OR --
      2. 查看ACSO职位空缺,找到并点击“副警长招聘”开始 申请/招聘过程. 你可以找到开口,点击 HERE
  2. Be a self-sponsored participant in the Academy. 你将在ACSO的指导下进入学院,等待你的成功完成 一个基本的申请程序 not 在参加会议的同时获得报酬. Upon your successful completion of the Academy, you would 能够向加州的执法机构申请并证明你有 completed the POST certified Regular Basic Course Policy Academy. 培训是 毕业之日起一年内有效.
    1. Start the basic application to be self-sponsored:
      1. 访问ACSO RTC网站 警察学院普通基础课程,在页面底部注册. 你会被认为是“非会员” Applicant."

此外,Chabot学院和ACSO的区域培训中心与 选择特别课程,成功完成后,参与者可以获得大学学位 credit (.5 units to 4.5个学分,视课程而定). 这些课程都很具体 to current peace officers in the state of California. 如需进一步资料,请 请浏览 RTC Website to see what ad-hoc courses are offered in partnership 查伯特学院.




A POST-certified intensive format Regular Basic Course/Academy. 现在和过去的学院 are made up of a variety of law enforcement agency recruits. 学院有1064人 小时数. 


A POST-certified intensive format Regular Basic Course / Extended Academy.  Academies 由已成功完成ACSO的非附属参与者组成 Regional Training Center 申请过程. This academy schedule is Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday night from 6PM to 10PM, 星期六早上7点到下午5点半. (Not currently offering this extended format course)


REGISTRATION:请参阅以上资讯,了解如何参加普通基础警务课程 学院(ADMJ 9997). 欲了解更多信息,请访问 RTC website.

通过将光标移到课程类别上,可以访问各种课程列表 buttons, which causes specific course listings to drop below each category. Selecting the desired course listing, opens a course description page.  每个课程描述 页面包含一个按钮“[Register for Class]”,该按钮激活一个链接,使学生/ Agency Training Manager to register for a course. 某些托管课程将链接 to the respective presenter's web registration or contact information. 阿拉米达县的 Tax Payer Identification Number is 94-6000501.

基础课程学院招收培训注册人应参照具体报名情况 本课程要求. The requirements for courses are located through the web-based Basic Course Academy Recruit Training link: 

对于没有互联网接入的未来学生,可以完成注册 电话或传真. Please contact the Regional Training Center at  (925) 551-6970 to register.

LOCATION:大部分课程都在阿拉米达县治安官办公室进行区域培训 都柏林马迪根路6289号中心,邮编:94568.




What is the age requirement for attending the Basic Academy?

You must reach the age of 21 by the date of graduation.

If I am accepted 进入学院, am I guaranteed a job?

No.  Upon completion of the Academy you will be given a POST (Commission on Peace 高级人员标准及训练)完成普通基础课程的证书.  这个证书将允许你申请执法机构作为一个学院 graduate. It is your responsibility to apply to law enforcement agencies and pass their employment testing and background process.


The tuition for the Academy is subject to change due to material costs. Currently 该学院的学费预计为5 200美元,再加上新兵制服的费用. Recruit uniform costs are approximately $800-$1,500 and vary by vendor.

如果你被接受为非附属公司的新兵,你必须提交不可退还的押金 of $1,300 prior to the first day of the Academy.  将提供押金截止日期 在被学院录取后,我将寄给你.  剩余的学费余额被分割 into three installments of $1,300, due every two months after the first day of the Academy.


如果你退学或被学院开除,任何分期付款都不能退还 之前支付.

What is the passing T score for the POST written exam?

一旦你参加了POST笔试,你将得到一个T分,这是确定的 看你在PELLETB上的分数.  You must have a T score of 45 or above for acceptance 进入学院.


是的,供应商名单和统一规格将在测试期间提供给你 申请过程. The uniform costs vary by vendor, but are approximately $800.00-$1,500.00.


您必须通过加州POST电池物理测试,其中包括以下内容 timed events:

  • 6英尺高的坚固栅栏
  • 攀爬6英尺高的铁链栅栏
  • Drag a 165 lb. dummy 32 feet
  • 99码障碍训练场
  • 500 yard run*

* All tests except for the 500 yard run will be done twice.



所有学生提供自己的制服. The Academy provides all other required equipment to non-affiliate students for use during the course of training. 学院提供 装备包括:防弹背心,工作腰带,警棍,手铐,手电筒,枪支 和弹药.  The equipment provided to non-affiliate students during the Academy 是学院的财产,在完成、辞职或解雇后归还吗 从学院毕业.


非会员指的是学生,不受雇于执法机构,但愿意 自费完成学院的学习. Upon graduation, you will be a POST (Commission (和平官员标准和训练)学院毕业并获得证书 完成普通基础课程.


Go to the Alameda County Sheriff's Office Regional Training website www.sheriffacademy.com  并选择Basic Academy链接.  Select the Basic Police Academy link from the list.  Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the "Register" button.  Select “I am a non-affiliate student” and complete all of the requested information.  Submit 你的信息一次.  After your application is submitted, you will be notified via email of test dates and location information.


Yes, to enter into the ACSO' s Academy, everyone must take the physical abilities test, regardless of previous location, tests or scores.


Physically: start a physical training (PT) program immediately. 你的程序至少应该 包括耐力(跑步),力量(上身引体向上,俯卧撑和卧推) 和核心力量(仰卧起坐)练习.

Mentally: 养成大学生的学习习惯. 该学院在学术上具有挑战性. There are 48 separate POST learning domains taught in the Academy. 测试方法 include written, multiple choice and demonstrative skills. POST示例 test formats can be found at the 邮政网址:www.post.ca.gov

后入门级执法测试电池(PELLETB) -准备资源和 information about the PELLETB test can be found on the 邮政网址:www.post.ca.gov 或http://post.ca.gov / LE-entry-level-test-battery-agency-faqs. 鼓励学生 阅读入门级执法考试申请人备考指引 电池http://post.ca.gov / LE-entry-level-test-battery-agency-faqs.

如果你认为你的写作技巧不足,你可以考虑完成一个基本的 在进入学院之前,在社区大学学习英语或写作课程.


一般来说,工作时间为星期一至五的白班,由上午八时至下午六时三十分 半小时吃午饭. There are some night courses which will require your shift 改变以适应晚上的工作时间.

This Academy does not provide on campus lodging. 有一份当地旅馆的名单 在我们的网站上.


Non-affiliated recruits may be eligible for financial aid. 如需进一步查询,请 请通过cc-acsoacademy@chabotcollege联系查伯特司法部.edu.

Veterans may be eligible for GI benefits through “大学. 请联系查伯特 Veterans Resource center at cc-veterans@chabotcollege.Edu或访问WWW.chinaqinyu.com/veterans.

What are the entrance requirements for a non-affiliate?

  • 毕业时必须年满21岁
  • 高中毕业或同等学历
  • U.S. citizen
  • 有效的加州驾驶执照
  • 无重罪前科
  • 成功完成一个背景


如果是一年内参加的测试,我们将接受45分或更高的T-Score.  笔试当天请携带一份PELLETB考试成绩复印件 来自发证机构.  It must be on the issuing department’s letterhead and be 申请日期在12个月内.


The Academy is both mentally and physically demanding. 由于高要求的 在学院,学生们可能不得不投入自己的时间来获得成功.


Is a written test required to enter the Academy?

Yes.  你需要参加POST入门级执法测试(PELLETB).  以下链接可以帮助您提供额外的信息和帮助准备 你去拿PELLETB.  邮政网址:www.post.ca.网站网址:http://post.ca.gov / entry-level-test-battery.aspx. 鼓励学生阅读POST入门级申请人准备指南 执法测试小组.

如果你认为你的写作技巧不足,你可以考虑完成一个基本的 在进入学院之前,在社区大学学习英语或写作课程.




Regional Training Center - 6289 Madigan Road, 都柏林,CA 94568

有关网站或一般资料: webmaster@alamedacountysheriff.org

区域培训信息: rtcinfo@sheriffacademy.coM或浏览 治安官学院网站.

韦德1946: recruiting@acgov.org or visit the 阿拉米达警长网站.